Thursday, April 10, 2008


Here is the phone conversation that Simone had with Emma and Sara today. Since I can not hear what is being said on the other end I am not sure when she is talking to Emma or Sara??

While I was working on Sophie's Pre-approval post today Simone was on the phone with Emma and Sara. This is what I am listening to as I am sitting in our computer room which is located next to Simone's bathroom.

Simone says to Emma, "I need to go pee." So she leave the computer room and goes to the bathroom.

Simone says, "I need to put the phone down. I have to go pee." Phone crashes to the ground.

Simone says, "sorry about that" and picks the phone up.

Simone says again, "I need to go pee!" She drops the phone again.

Then Simone says, "Sorry, I dropped the phone again."

Simone gently sets the phone down and says, "Can you still hear me?"

Simone, "What?"

Simone, "WHat?"

Simone, "WHAT?"

Simone, "YAH!"

Simone finishes up and walks back into the computer room, lays on guest bed. Then Rick walks in and says, "who are you talking to?"

Simone, "Emma." "I tell you question when you spend the night."

Emma then says some thing back to her.

Simone, "UH?"

Simone, "can you hear me? Do you want to talk to my Daddy?"

Simone then hands the phone to Rick. He talks for a little while and then gives the phone back to Simone.

Simone, "Tell her a question?"

Then I think Becca tried to get on the phone and tell Simone that they needed to eat dinner!

This just cracked Rick and I up. She is growing up and is FOUR years old now. Time flys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWESOME BLOG!!! You made tears come to my eyes for all the Beautiful things you have written. We are all very lucky ladies!! From our husbands to our children to our great friends. Thanks for being ours!!