Friday, May 15, 2009


Sophie Wei just finished a round of Penicillin for a Strep Infection on Monday evening because her Teachers had suggested that she may of had a bladder infection. When we went in we found out it was a strep infection not a bladder infection. She was having a lot of accidents and going to the potty a lot.

In the mean time Sophie Wei has been cranky and have accidents. It has been difficult to drop her off at preschool for about a week or so now which is so hard on me because I have to work and I just want to take care of her. I was thinking that she may of been feeling like the rest of us, over whelmed what has been going on with our family (Rick has been coaching track = late track meets, family business, My Mom has been going through some medical stuff, etc.).

Then on Wednesday she had an accident in her car seat just as I transferred her from Rick's truck into our car for Becca to take care of her for the afternoon.

Yesterday I received an email from her teacher letting me know that she has ad some accidents and after going to the bathroom she has to go again with in 10 minutes. In the morning before school she did not want to get dressed and had a few melt downs therefore making me late to our staff meeting, this got my mind ticking of what was going on with her????? When I received the email from her teacher at lunch I called and got an evening appointment with a doctor. (Happy about that because Kaiser no longer has urgent care. I actually like this system better because I can come in in the evening and have a scheduled appointment which works well for stuff like this that comes up. I was also able to get lab work done for her which was helpful.)

I am sharing this with you all because I am learning about this bladder thing. Frequent urination/accidents, in Sophie's case she says her tummy aches and crankiness could be a sign of a bladder infection.

Last night we learned that the Penicillin she took did not work much/if at all and what she had turned into a bladder infection and now strep in her mouth. She is now Cephalexin which the doctor said should take care of the problem. I also learned from this doctor that her culture from two weeks ago also showed some staff infection which would of been good to know so I could of came back in to get this retested sooner but I had no clue. Lesson learned, call in to verify lab results! They told me that they would call me if it was negative and have her stop the penicillin but since I did not hear from them I just assumed it was positive, which it was but the staff showed up. Why is this all important because the girls should not bath together when she had these two things so Simone does not get it. She told me I should bleach the bath after Sophie Wei but hopefully Simone has not gotten it yet since she has not had any symptoms.

So we hope Sophie Wei's little buds, Emma, Sara and Holt don't catch the strep. Their parents know and I also called the preschool.

Lessons learned.

My friends Casey, Heidi and Betty just came to pick up the Taco Soup I made for the Staff Appreciation lunch today. So nice of them to help me out. As they leave Sophie Wei says, "love her." Simone stays busy at her art table. Then we have to run inside for Sophie Wei to go to the bathroom which she has gone now four times in 30 minutes!!!!

I also want to give a shout out to my teaching partner Paula because she is helping me out big time today. Since I did not know I would be out of work today she is helping me with my sub so I did not have to go into work early this morning. As of last night I did not have a sub which she said she would help out with the best she could(that is also hard on me when there is no sub but Casey just told me there was someone there this morning, FEWWW!).....SO SWEET. I am going to miss her next year because she will be teaching half time Kindergarten in another building!! She has been with me through a lot of what we have gone through lately and I don't know what I will do with out her next year!!!! I am going to be lonely with out her!!! You rock Paula!

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