Friday, October 29, 2010

Red Plate Day

(Yes Simone loves to show everyone her tooth that is almost falling out, it gives me goose bumps!)

Simone had another Red Plate Day at school because she moved up another reading level.

She was so excited.

We also learned some good strategies from her Teacher so we could help her more at home. At times Simone will get pretty hard on her self and helping her learn to read at home can be frustrating........hard to admit but true.

Some of the things that we learned that really helped her are: doing a picture walk first, staying some vocabulary words first, have her read to our dog, Sophie or a stuffed animal before we read together, keep the book at home for another night and try again if she gets frustrated. After trying all of these strategies it REALLY helps.

I love seeing her little smile above.

I also want to remember her planner this way below. Every night she checks off what she completes or talks about at home.

The note from her "pretty teacher who loves to shop at Target."

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